Saturday, June 30, 2007
Colinette Perugino Throw: a long project finally complete.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Quick Update
Monday, May 7, 2007
Hey gang!
Since the end of Round 1, I've bought myself a Bohus Kit! But honestly, no other yarn was bought. I kind of decided in my head that I'd start again at the beginning of May, but with a different focus. Since it's summer, and I have a HUGE amount of sock yarn... I went into my stash and dug out the primo bits. I have a bunch of Lorna's Laces, STR, Sweet Georgia and other wonderful hand dyed yarn..... and since it's so little, I tend to just let it sit there. I'm a member of 2 SOTM clubs - so I get my sock knitting fix off of those, and rarely pull sock yarn out of my stash.
I decided that I'm entering my Sock Era. I found 17 wonderful skeins of sock yarn, and that is what I'm knitting. I'm hoping to do a pair a week - which will bring me all of the way through the summer. I'll have the perfect summer knitting projects AND a wonderful new sock wardrobe for the fall.
Oh yeah - and my husband mentioned when he read this declaration on my blog that I could NEVER knit that many socks in 20 weeks, let alone 17 (because I've gotten on a work out kick - I've been working out about 10 times a week). I vow right here to NOT give up on working out, but also to definitely have 17 pairs of socks done in the next 20 weeks.
Anyone in with me? That brings us from May 1st to Sept 15th. You obviously don't need to do the crazy sock knitting, but continuing on with the stashbusting...
And I'm thinking a free yarn buying day thrown in there for 'souvenir' yarn during those summer trips.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
My last WIP from the first round...
Monday, April 30, 2007
I fell off the wagon on Saturday...
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
wrap-up and report
I was relatively good about yarn buying--I had one lapse, to buy yarn for a scarf for my fiance...But after the sanction was over, I bought a bag of yummy bamboo yarn. I'm not that sorry. ;) In total, I think I had 10 completed projects, if you count the little dishcloths I made as one, but most were relatively small: two shawls, three scarves, three hats, glove-mittens, and the one skein petal bib (plus a few dischcloths). I'm looking forward to plowing through some more of the rashly-bought single balls from before I knew how to build a stash and then starting some large projects, like sweaters, in the fall!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Stash and UFO's
I didn't buy any yarn, except for the 3 balls of 2ply for the Baby Christening Gown, which was for the Wollongong Stitch N Bitch Annual Exhibition held in April.
I am still slowly knitting away at my stash, I will get some pure wool soon to knit for the Guardian Pharmacy Charity as these go to extrememly cold countries like Mongolia, other than that I really want to get the stash off my floor so I can go and buy new beautiful yarns, expecially from CRK Daisy Design's Shop at Fairy Meadow (NSW Australia - a suburb of the City of Wollongong).
Over the last few months watching how everyone did, it is amazing how beautiful the knitting is that people all over the world are doing. Congratulations to all of you, it is so nice to check out what you are knitting and what you are knitting with.
Friday, April 20, 2007
So how did I do?
My main aim for this project was to complete my trellis scarf which I started last May and had let languish and after that I wanted to make a sweater from a packet of blue alpaca which had been sitting in my stash for a good while without telling me what it wanted to be.
Kicked into gear by this KAL and Project Spectrum I have finished the scarf and made the Refined Raglan from last winter's IK and I love both of them.
I still have things on the needles but I'm somewhat inconstant in my project affections particularly if I have something with a deadline - hence the current obsession with a baby blanket with the baby due on May 14th. At the moment there is about 1 inch of a fairisle sock that I'm figuring the pattern out for, my pink aimee which I'm aiming to finish within April/May seeing as it matched the Project Spectrum colours, a tired roses silk scarf which I cast one while waiting for the baby blanket yarn to appear, the blanket itself and I'm about to cast on a pair of socks for my husband!
However, in addition to the two main projects I have also made a mitten and hat set, 4 pairs of socks for me and 4 pairs of socks for a friend's bookbooksecret. All of that (apart from the test socks) came from stash yarn and I had made quite an indent into the stash....
.... I say had because whilst I was very good during the stashbustalong with my only yarn purchase being the baby cashmerino for the blankets, both of which are gifts, and that was a purchase on 14th April, I have been on a yarn binge over the last two days and there is now quite a bit of sock yarn either in my house or on its way to my house!!
I think to continue this forward I will continue to focus on what I have in the stash in terms of lined up projects but I would like to be able to buy yarn for a number of projects that I have in mind for over the summer, perhaps one at a time though!
I've really loved seeing everyone's projects over the past few months and I hope that aspect of this blog continues even if our credit cards get a little more exercise than of late! Plus there's a wonderful sense of community from reading a certain blog, spotting a picture and thinking "I know that sweater!" - full credit to Cece for (a) finishing marmalade and (b) being featured by a knitting legend!
My new yarn...
I am so proud of myself - this is all the yarn that I purchased after my three month stint of no yarn purchasing. The whole yarn buying experince was bad - there are more details on my blog - but lets just say that there is a LYS that I will not be returning to, even when my stash is of manageable size... Although, on the upside, it is just more re-inforcement, that I should be knitting from my stash... Hopefully, there will be a FO posting from me soon...
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Bustalong wrap-up
The bad: I bought yarn once.
The ugly (but pretty!): I received yarn and won 3 contests (yay! I don't regret this at all), all adding to stash, for a net gain in stash size.
Overall, this KAL has helped me stay focused, and for that I am thankful. After spending megabucks on yarn yesterday and today (oops), I'm ready for another round of bustalong-ing.
More details here.
Monday, April 16, 2007
I'm Back!
I digress. I will post pictures and everything tonight, and Amanda and I will figure out the winners from this round, and the timeline to start the next.
Can everyone post the number of FOs and their success (or lack of) with not buying yarn!?
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Afghan complete!

Yarn: Wool Pak Yarn, 7 balls
Needles: Denise Interchangeables, sizes 10 & 8
Finished Size: 4 1/2 feet by 6 feet
Notes: I have actually knit this blankie before, for Cece! It was a wedding gift that time, too. I usually don't like cables on items where you can see the 'wrong side', but on this blanket, it is reversible! This means that the whole thing is ribbed, which gets tiresome at times, but the end result is great. I would certainly recommend it.
Friday, April 13, 2007
FO #2: Aran baby sweater

Read about it here.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Only three more days!
Ooh, and, there is someone out there who has written a tutorial for how to use up leftover sock yarn: Shelly Kang. The example is under the title: "Blankie Friday: The Reckoning". Evidently, the Yarn Harlot challenged her readers to inundate Shelly with sock yarn leftovers. At some point, I might have to challenge people to send ME sock yarn leftovers, but not until I get to that particular project, eh?
Once Cece gets back from Camp Cockamamie, I think it will be time to discuss whether/ how we want to continue this fun and awesome knitalong. This has been very inspiring and wonderful. I have relearned to enjoy going through the stash and thinking of things I want to make, rather than wasting my money on more yarn I don't need. Hooray!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Sunday, April 8, 2007
A couple of FOs

Tuesday, April 3, 2007
A getting toward the end post...
I have finished 32 projects since the beginning of the year - a lot of them are hats for commision or for sale, but all the WIPs that I started with are finished. There is one exception of the Hush Hush dress because I got half way through, and had to re-start it with different yarn, but I should be mostly done with that by April 15th. I have used or gifted about 70 balls of yarn at last count - yipee!! I still have a long ways to go... Off my big list of 25 projects, there are five totally finished and three on my needles right now, so about 1/3 of the way there and nothing more added to that list, yet. Finally, I have cut down my on the needles projects from a standard of 9-12 at any given time to a max of 4 (possibly 5 with my errand project). It feels so good to start projects and finish them in a time frame where I am still excited about them!
I love that this bust along was not judgemental and not too structured. It made it easier for me to learn the lessons that I obviously needed to learn. I will be stash busting at least through the end of the year. Although, I will not miss another sale like the one again. But the next time one of those comes up, there is room in my bins, so I will feel good about my bargains!! Thanks Ladies, I appreciate the support, and the lessons learned!!

I've cast on for Ella, which I might actually come close to finishing by April 15, given that I'm on break right now. We'll see! In terms of my stash busting success...well, I haven't had much. 9 FO's, I believe, counting this one, and all of them have been relatively small (although the convertible mittens were time-consuming). The greatest danger to my efforts was the yarn sale page over at knittyboard. Am I weak for planning to take a long look at it on April 16? ;)
Friday, March 30, 2007
Nearing the end....
I, for one, know that this 3 month period has been long enough to make it a way of life. I think it was all of 10 days into the Bustalong, when I was SORELY tempted to buy some lace weight hand painted silk yarn. Ahhhh it was SO wonderful. But I didn't. And since then, haven't been tempted with anymore impulse buys. Although, I did sign up for Sundara's Yarn continuation of the Petal's collection SOTM. And, I did buy gift yarn for my mom - she requested a very specific color yarn for an Easter shawl (which I completed today - go look).
I also got a bunch of FO's out of my stash (a hat for Dullan, 2 quilts for Dulaan, fun fur hats, the Bejewled scarf, the entralac bag, a baby sweater) and some UFO's completed (that damn Marmalade jacket, the never ending sweater for my Aunt, Mom's Birthday Sweater, the Urban Bubble Scarf, the waterfall scarf, some baby socks and other baby items)... and got some old UFO's back into 'knitting rotation'. This has been fun!
Did anyone else kind of compensate in the first month by buying a bunch of books and patterns? I know I did - but they were all things I had been wanting for a while - and have honestly found projects to knit out of my stash for each.
Anyway - just rambling at this point... but I am planning on keeping this effort going for at least another 3 months. Although prizes will be offered as promised for these first 3 months!!! Anyone interested? I'm going to think that all of us who continue on will get a 'free day' where they can go buy yarn that they have been putting off for a while... but otherwise, the rules stay as they were.
Any takers???
I'd also love to see some more 'Bustalong Round Up' posts.... By my count, I have 15 FO's - 3 of them sweaters! What about you all!?
Monday, March 26, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Creative way to stashbust ;)
It was really cool to watch them figure out how to knit - with their different personalities shining through. Some knit loosey-goosey, some more controlled and tight; All figured it out.
My daughter has picked up her knitting since then a few times - I tried to teach her about 2 years ago, but it frustrated her.
At a previous meeting, they had made their knitting needles - by sharpening and sanding sticks (recycled from chicken-on-a-stick from Friendly's I believe ROFL), and making Fimo-clay characters for the end.
Gotta love the enabling process - and my stash is a little lighter to boot!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
My knitting can't keep up with the seasons

I also finished an earflap hat for myself out of some Valley Yarns Berkshire Bulky in my stash. Not a huge project, but a relative stashbuster given that I used leftover yarn for the pom pom and ties. I think it's cute.
More details on my blog. Would it be silly to keep going with the mittens and hats? I feel like it would be a good idea while I still feel the desire to make them!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
the ugly one is finished
Case in point, the dashing gloves from the last knitty. Made out of undyed llama, alpaca and merino and handspun by a local woman! The yarn is gorgeous, the pattern was quick easy and fun and I am down three more balls of alpaca! stash yarn!!
Happy Knitting!!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
More stash gone
I'm a UFO Goddess
Go look! Leave me comments! I'm SO PROUD of myself for finishing this damn thing!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
More socks
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
FO: The Mason Dixon Baby Bib

You see that there blue baby bib? Well, my friend Gwenie Gwen knit him up using a ball of Bernat Cottontots I gave her from my stash. :) Thank you very much, Gwen for helping me destash yet again.
*ehem* I have to confess that I have been a very, very bad yarn dieter and have purchased like a billion balls of the good stuff from Little Knits and Webs lately. OH MY GAWD! I went a lotta insane! I won't even divulge the fiber goodness I have acquired...YES I WILL!
Let's see:
I got Noro Silk Garden, Debbie Bliss Cotton DK, Kona Bay Cotton, Muench Sir Galli, SWTC Bamboo and Lane Borgosesia Baruffa Cashwool. PHEW! I won't even tell you how many BAGS of each I bought. It's scary and I'm still in denial about the whole thing, but I have such a HIGH from the CHA CHING! *ehem*
Anywho, there you have it...another FO from a friend. YEAH!
FO: The Simple Eyelet Washcloth

OH MY GAWD! I FINISHED SOMETHING! It's a frickin' miracle I tell you! Throw another FO on the barbie, mate! Extra bonus and a gold star for using my stash! *bows deeply*
I call her the "Simple Eyelet Washcloth" taken from the Lion Brand Stitchfinder library.
Knit using 3/4 of a ball of Lily Sugar & Cream in White on US 10 with a 44 stitch cast on.
Approximate size before washing is 12" x 12" square. It'll shrink down to about 7" x 7" after washing. Something to keep in mind when dealing with cotton....the shrinkage factor.
Check out the difference in size between my newly finished Simple Eyelet and the Ruggles Turkish Washcloth I

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Oh no....
Sunday, March 11, 2007
A refined raglan finished
Saturday, March 10, 2007
still busting along...

I liked this pattern more than Broad Street from knitty--it was just easier for me to understand. I used DK yarn (Karabella Majestic) instead of the called-for Cascade 220, and I think it turned out well...not too bulky.

More details on the blog!
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Check out my latest FOs and a WIP
Happy Stash Busting!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
FO: Stripy baby blanket.

I procrastinated for ages towards the end because there was so much post-production: millions of ends to weave in, and blocking it was an adventure in itself. Anyway, I'm delighted that it's now a FO and I'm free to move the next knitting project up the list.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Some Shiny New Socks!
No longer U, an FO: Baby Bolero

Project details here.
In light of my falling off, I've decided to match my indiscretion with a donation to MSF. I wanted the penance for falling off the wagon to be significant, so that it was a disincentive.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
A finished object, and it's a big one!
This pici is a bit too dark, but you have the rare honour of seeing Mo Cuirdh, our older cat.
In honour of finishing an old UFO I'm going to cast on a new project tonight. I want a nice spring pullover and I'm gonna make one darn it, from stash yarn! I want to give the new 5mm Knitpicks needle a good run for it's money and be sure that a whole set of them is a good idea. Look at me, showing restraint and all! Boo ya!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I'm doing okay!
I completed a UFO sweater this week but I want to wash and block it out before I unveil it. I'm also having a Knit for Dulaan contest over at my blog if y'all wanna use up some stash! ;)
I'm off to the couch to work on a crocheted afghan that I started 2 years ago! Crazy making I tell you, crazy making! Knowing that I need to report progress over here has gone a long way to keeping me honest! :)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Who's Still On The Wagon?
But maybe that's just me... is anyone having insane thoughts of continuing this after the 15th? I just might! Am I the only one? Please tell me I'm not the only nutjob out there...
I didn't write in on my comment to Amanda, but I have not caved and purchased yarn yet - that is not to say that I haven't been close - or that there's not a list in my head of purchases that I am dying to make on the 16th of April... cuz there is - but in my warped way, I only get to reward myself with the purchases, if I stay strong through the whole bust-a-long!
Monday, February 26, 2007
49 finished objects!
I also finally joined etsy- check out my store and let me know what you think!
Another FO!

I also found two UFO's and pulled them out to work on this weekend... more details on everything over at my blog.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
doing well...
In terms of busting my stash, I am very pleased to say that I have used four balls of wool from it in the last week! I made a little gifty for my Knitty SP8 partner, and I am making a purse. In terms of busting along my UFOs, well, let's just say, I'm not doing so well on that account. I have completely abandoned my second (well 4th if we're counting totals 'cause it's the 2nd sock of the 2nd pair) hot tamale sock, and poor ol' Samus. What to say about poor ol' Samus. I really do want to get back to it. Honestly I do. I've just somehow lost it to the bottom of the knitting basket. Maybe once my purse is finished, I'll dig it back out and just get it done once and for all!

Saturday, February 24, 2007
And another one bites the dust

Friday, February 23, 2007
The pi r square shawl
Have a great weekend!!
Stashbusting for charity!

I finished 5 chemo caps and mailed them off to Kathleen today. What a great feeling, to clear out stash for a good cause!
For more details, click here.
For me, this is the most dangerous time for the yarn diet. I now want to buy all sorts of yarn, ignoring the fact that one of my knitting friends gave me yarn she didn't want this week, and the fact that I have numerous projects I want to make lurking in the stash. Please let me be able to hang on....
Progress - and a major relapse
Well, I have good and bad news to report.
The good news is, I was very responsible and set aside a dozen newly started WIPs and swatches so I could concentrate on finishing a baby blanket for my colleague, which he's been patiently awaiting for months. All that needed doing was weaving in the ends on the back, and blocking. I say 'all' - in fact, there are over 400 ends to weave, in total. I think it was the sheer scale of the job that was putting me off. So anyway, I'm feeling dead proud because I've made a start. Here'a photo of the blanket from the wrong side.

That was the good news - a UFO nearly finished.
Now the bad news - I'm afraid I splurged on yarn again. Returning from NY with my gorgeous yarn purchases, I leafed through patterns deciding what to make. I realised that I didn't have enough to make an adult sized sweater sweater out of any of the three new yarns I have (Tilli Tomas silk, Alchemy bamboo, Louet linen). So I ordered more. It wasn't cheap.
Gosh, it's like a confessional in here isn't it. Someone tell me to say a few Hail Marys and absolve me.
More info on the old blog:
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Progress on Baby Bolero

I've been faithfully working on my baby bolero. I have 1 1/2 sleeves to set in, and 2 sleeve seams to go!
Click here for more details.
Parade of Pics!
Finally, I was itching to do a NEW project after these fixes, so I remembered that the Argosy scarf from the latest Knitty called for exactly the amount of elsebeth lavold's Hempathy that I had left over from a project!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Starsky is finished!

I am so excited about Rebekah's Blanket of Hope project! I did a lot of stashbusting (and the best kind - partial skeins and leftovers!) to create 9 "squares" and I hope to finish more! Here's what I sent: